For everyone who complains, rants, yells, screams, cries, worries, wishes, wants, agonizes, anlayzes, deliberates, frets or frowns, I off... [...]
Pope John Paul the Great: "The Church imposes nothing; the Church only proposes something, but what we propose, we believe to be the ... [...]
"Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was th... [...]
I remember meeting an apoplectic woman driving a rather large tank of a car. We faced off in a dirt lot that served as overflow parking for ... [...]
If people really didn't care about what the world thinks of them and only what God does, we'd be living in Eden (before the fall).... [...]
"How is that heart of yours getting along? Don't worry: the saints – who were perfectly ordinary, normal beings like you and me – ... [...]
The following is an exercpt from: Suffering of Love: Christ’s Descent into the Hell of Human Hopelessness (Ignatius Press, 2006), by Regis ... [...]
Proverbs 27:5-6 "Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.... [...]
All the world's a stage and one TV in its time plays many parts. It's a distraction, a white noise generator, a frame on the wall ... [...]
Sometimes, my mind likes to wander away without telling me where it's going. Thankfully, it's only gone for a few seconds (my wife b... [...]